Wednesday, July 10, 2013


What do you do when you suddenly find yourself awake in the middle of the night and you simply cannot fall asleep again? When you realize you're pretending to sleep.... only pretending, to sleep.. When resting your head upon the pillow doesn't comfort you anymore.. When you restlessly stay awake and relentlessly wanders your mind.. When you realize your room is but a reflection of your being- as empty and hollow with all the furniture, books and curtains as yourself with a million thoughts, a thousand memories and a few hundred emotions.. 

What do you do when all your worries suddenly threaten and terrorize you? When you realize you can no longer escape the confrontation you've been conveniently avoiding through the day.. When the ugly truths emerge from their hiding and grin at your face.. When you tremble, shiver and no words of assurance seem to make a difference. When you realize how broken and tired you are.. When you find yourself unarmed and unguarded and the warmth of the blanket no more suffices..

What do you do when the eerie silence of the night grows too loud? When you can hear your heart thumping in your mouth.. When the wind hums a depressing tune.. When solitude mysteriously dissolves into loneliness.. When you feel like you're standing in the thickness of the jungle and nobody to look up to but your own self.. When there are hours before the sunlight, yet again, peeps through the fluttering curtains.. When the night refuses to cease.. When you realize you've finally made peace with reality and you no more need to shed tears to believe what's gone won't return..

What do you do when you find yourself helplessly and irrevocably awake in the middle of the night?

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